Monday, February 27, 2012

Thanks for the fun visit, Uncle Davey!

I had a really great time with my Uncle Dave, who came to visit for a few days.  We had lots of fun -- we went for walks and bought chocolate and chewed on lots of things.  You can see that my uncle is a silly guy and made me laugh a lot:

On the last morning he was here, Davey and Daddy and I hung out a little bit so that Mommy could get some rest.  I'm working on rolling over...stay tuned!

We also talked about sports teams that I need to start rooting for.  Go Redskins!  Let the indoctrination begin!  I'm looking forward to traveling back east at the end of next month so that I can see Uncle Davey and the rest of the family again!

Check out some more of our photos.

Lily Berman - Uncle Davey Visit

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