Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beautiful Wedding + Visit from (Great) Grandparents = One Fantastic Weekend

GS, GP & GGT visit (aka Tom & Deanne's Wedding)

Last weekend was amazing!  Grandma Sue, Grandpa Paul, and my Great Grandmother Trudy (pun intended) came into town to "help my folks attend a wedding" (we all know they just wanted an excuse to come see me, of course!).  Actually, it was really helpful to my folks to have six more hands to hold me.  And I enjoyed hearing a new set of songs (and hummed Sousa marches -- I am the only person besides my grandfather who appreciates them, apparently).

We had an awesome time.  The weather was perfect down in Carmel, and it was a lovely weekend all around.  Tom and Deanne's wedding was absolutely beautiful.  I threw a few photos in here that were taken by Uncle Rico -- he's the one who's balancing his kid on his hand.  I hope he teaches my dad how to do that!


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