Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Family Photo Since I was born!

There's been so much action around here that we all forgot to stop to take a picture of the three of us all together.  I event managed to look at the camera this time!  It was Stanford's Reunion weekend after all, but maybe my dad could have done without the silly "homecoming" pose.  Oh well, maybe next time...

Here's the first picture of us together, by the way.  It's amazing what a few weeks and several gallons of breast milk can do!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homecoming Weekend

Homecoming Weekend

It was so fun to meet a bunch of new friends during Stanford's Reunion Homecoming weekend.  And I got to wear a great new outfit for the occasion as well!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vance and Eva's Wedding Weekend

I know it was hard for him to leave me for the weekend, but Daddy was really excited to head to Charleston, SC for the weekend for the nuptials of Mr. Pants and his beautiful bride, Eva.  I know Mom was bummed not to be able to make it, but we had a great time together.  And my Tia Hilda came to join the party as well!

Here are some photos from the weekend, first from Chucktown, and then of course some pictures of me with the other ladies!